Advisory fuel rates from 1 June 2024

11 Jun 2024

Advisory fuel rates reflect actual average fuel costs and are updated quarterly. The rates can be used by employers who reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars or where employees are required to repay the cost of fuel used for private travel. HMRC accepts there is no taxable profit and no Class 1A National Insurance on reimbursed travel expenses where employers pay a rate per mile for business travel no higher than the published advisory fuel rates.

Employees can also use the advisory fuel rates to repay the cost of fuel used for private travel. In this case, HMRC will accept there is no fuel benefit charge. The advisory rates are not binding and can be varied. For example, if the employer can demonstrate that employees cover the full cost of private fuel by repaying at a lower rate per mile.

The latest advisory fuel rates are effective from 1 June 2024. Fuel rates are reviewed four times a year with changes taking effect on 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December. You can use the previous rates for up to 1 month from the date the new rates apply.

The new rates are as follows:

Engine Size Petrol - amount per mile LPG - amount per mile
1400cc or less 14p 11p
1401 to 2000cc 16p 13p
Over 2000cc 26p



Engine SIze Diesel - amount per mile
1600cc or smaller 13p
1601cc to 2000cc 15p
Over 2000cc 20p

The advisory fuel rate for fully electric cars is 8p per mile from 1 June 2024. 

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